Humanity?, Where Are You?

 Humanity?, Where Are You?

by Kafu Mitsurin

You think I'm happy?
I haven't been in a while
I can't even remember
Being truly happy ever in my life
I'm a monster

It doesn't matter what happens
I can't be happy
The world is awful
A lot of wars and death
And I almost killed someone

I want a better place
For next generations
I'll start changing myself
I don't wanna be a monster anymore
Please, let us all change

Let's heal the world
Let's change ourselves
Let's stop the endless wars
And just save the souls
Save the world

I'm a monster
How can I say all this to you?
Well... I wanna change for the better
Not be a monster anymore
Nor hurting anyone else anymore

If I can change, you can too
Let's do a favor to ourselves
Let's heal the world
And eliminate evilness
We can do it
But first things first
Change and heal ourselves

I feel like I can't
But I can try
I will do whatever it takes
To bring happiness to others
The happiness I never had

I haven't been happy in a while
I lost my childhood
I lost my inner child
I can't revive him
But I can be better

We attack
We betray
We fight each other
We hate
We destroy

But we can be better
We must be better


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